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Other Equipment

  • Tooth brushing + Cup SET

    Handle: This smart toothbrushing cup is designed to hygienically hold your toothbrush in its handle. Its grip also feels great.

    The brim that contacts the lips is rounded to ensure comfortable use .

    The cup features high durability with Wedent characters printed on it.

    There is a corner where your name can be written, and it can be kept clean and hygienic.

    Bristle types: Slim bristles (for ages 3 - 5), normal bristles (for ages 6 - 8),
    double slim bristles (for ages 8 - 11), normal bristles (for ages 8 - 11 )
    Colors: Pink, lime, yellow, and sky



< 양치컵  SET >





양치컵SET-조리개포장 (2).jpg